Yes, 0.5.1 got skipped. 0.5.1 was used in a test server and since I catalog every build, 0.5.2 was the next logical choice. I will include changes from both 0.5.1 and 0.5.2 in the list.
Changes from 0.5.0 to 0.5.2:
- Completely revamped auto-balance system.
- Medic overheal bonus returned to 150%.
- Multiple sentry bug fixed.
- Dispenser health possibly increased to 300.
- Spawning with prohibited weapons supposedly fixed.
The largest change in this new version is the amount of optimization that came with the new auto-balance system and spawning changes. The amount of lines in the program was reduced by 150. Currently, there are 820 lines of code, a 15.5% decrease.