Some changes to address the most popular complaints. I am not a mapper, so there are no alterations to zf_industry. I am going to keep releasing these smaller patches so I can gauge my progress.
Changes from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1:
- New "Last Stand" Mechanic. As there are less and less survivors, the respawn time for the zombies increases.
- Improved admin commands, replacing previous commands:
sm_zf_enable "0/1" - Activates/deactivates the Zombie Fortress plugin.
sm_zf_force_on "0/1" - Toggles whether the plugin should deactivate on non-zf map changes.
sm_zf_ratio "0/1" - Percentage of players on the survivor team at start. (Default 0.60 or 60% survivors).
- Heavy Zombie now moves faster when he is at full health.
- Engineer Sentry now lasts 30 seconds (up from 22), but each shot takes more shells.
- Pyro's flamethrower now caps at 100.