Zombie Fortress 0.5.9 Released

The release of 1.0.0 is impending. It will be the first official release of Zombie Fortress to the public and I am eager to present. 0.5.9 will most likely be the final version of 0.x.x series of releases. 0.5.8 is being disregarded since it crashed servers.

Changes from 0.5.7 to 0.5.9:
- Autobalance improved. It no longer breaks the game and is fully reliable.
- When you first join a server running ZF, you will be greeted by a welcome and a help message.
- Survivors no longer get a 3 subtraction whenever they kill a zombie. In a full 24 or 32 person server, it would result in two minute games.
- I have removed the plugin-side timer. Mappers now again have full control of the round timer.
- Medic overheal bonus reduced to 125% from 150%.