Zombie Fortress 0.4.2 Released

Changes from 0.4.1:
- Zombies now have regeneration. Every 10 seconds, all scouts regain 15 health and all heavies regain 50 health.
- New Admin Debug Command: "zf_respawn" forces a rebalancing of teams.
- New Admin Debug Command: "zf_regen" toggles zombie regeneration. Use this command only if zombie regeneration causes noticeable server lag. Use this command only every 15 seconds or bad things will happen.
- Better 24 person support.
- Optimizations everywhere to prepare for the introduction of zombie regeneration.

I have pretty much nothing else to do until balance problems creep up. What that means is that there won't be anymore new releases until there is a dedicated server up that ran the plugin a few times. Maps that currently are best suited for ZF are cp_gravelpit and cp_dustbowl (on some points).

Thanks to everyone who helped me test. If you are interested in testing, a Steam Group has been created.