Zombie Fortress 0.4.3 Development

Planned changes for 0.4.3 from 0.4.2:
- Auto balance to be finally fully fixed.
- Soldier being upgraded to demo speed.
- Spy getting a 33.3% increase in speed. (A little bit slower than a scout).
- Removal of Zombie Regeneration until there is a need for it. The plugin needs a slimming and the zombies are strong enough. A new solution for zombie regeneration is in the works however./

In other developments, I am going to wait for the heavy update and what the K.G.B does to the plugin. If it is not enough boost to the heavy, the pyro is going to lose the axetingusher since it murders them.

I am currently in the process of designing of zf_industry which I hope that I can pass off to a confident mapper. The design should be up when I am back from work.